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Bonsai exhibition in Zbraslav, Prague

On September 16th and 17th 2017 you can visit a bonsai exhibition in the Municipal garden of Zbraslav.

Greenhouse closed on 5th September 2017

Dear visitors, on Tuesday 5th September 2017 the greenhouse will be closed due to tropical trees maintenance. The garden exteriors will remain open. Thanks for understanding.

Invitation to the autumn exhibition of cacti and other succulents

The autumn cacti and other succulents exhibition is going to take place in the upper greenhouse.

Opening hours: 10am to 6pm, with the exception oft he last day; on September 17th the exhibition closes at 4 pm.

Visitors can enter the exhibition 30 minutes before closing hours at the latest.

Reconstruction of the exposition of succulent plants (28th August - 8th September 2017)

Dear visitors,

The succulent plants exposition will be closed or partly closed due to reconstruction from 28th August to 8th September 2017. The rest of the greenhouse expositions, including the exhibition of exotic birds and bonsai, will remain open.

Thanks for understanding.


We are pleased to invited you to visit the bonsai exhibition, which is going to take place in the upper greenhouse of the botanical garden since 25th August untill 3rd September 2017.

Exotic Birds Exhibition

The Exotic Birds Exhibition is going to take place in our greenhouse since August 18th untill September 3rd. 

14th International Killifish Convention of CZKA in Prague

The International Killifish Convention will take place on June 23rd to June 25th in the Botanical Garden of Charles University in Prague.


Exhibition of carnivorous plants

The exhibition of carnivorous plants in the upper greenhouse of our garden will be open untill 18th June 2017.

Fairy tale landscapes of succulent plants

The exhibition of original arrangements of succulent plants takes place in our garden since the 5th untill the 28th May 2017. 



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